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Battle for Middle Earth

cw Ra+Felix vs Xeha+Scop

#1Felixanius  Aug 12 2014, 22:24 PM -

Replays: 102 Game:
Isen-Gon vs Gon-Gon

Tough match, many horses and pikes all around the map. Nice usage of Gtw gives Scop a lvl 10 plus aod. Lots of trebs in late-game to handle Isen combos. Sneaky bombs, mean eagles and a very angry Balrog.

#2Kerkyra  Aug 12 2014, 23:02 PM -
Perhaps we would have had a better chance to win if i didn't waste wop for nothing and tried to kill gon with aod but we fed you way too much and our treb weren't very effective, but gg anyway.
#3Robbie  Aug 17 2014, 23:48 PM -
Very fun watch and mighty defence by Michael. It did look like you could have won right after xeha was killed if a couple of things went differently.
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