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Battle for Middle Earth

Roh/Isen Vs Isen/Mor on Wold

#1Kerkyra  Sep 1 2014, 00:18 AM -
After a weak early game, we struggled against 2 fod on this big map and finally came back from a huge pp disadvantage in late game.
#2Pallando  Sep 1 2014, 01:34 AM -
Well played. This replay should be both entertaining and frustrating to watch. I didn't count how often you were actually able to pin my heroes without much effort. A couple of mistakes cost us the game eventually, including my first Balrog use or the use of tained land by Orange which allowed you to get LD back. Thanks for playing other maps, I personally enjoy these maps way more than Anorien. smile.gif
#3Earendil  Sep 1 2014, 08:34 AM -
Well played. This replay should be both entertaining and frustrating to watch. I didn't count how often you were actually able to pin my heroes without much effort. A couple of mistakes cost us the game eventually, including my first Balrog use or the use of tained land by Orange which allowed you to get LD back. Thanks for playing other maps, I personally enjoy these maps way more than Anorien. smile.gif

yep GG guys.
#4ReiCasca  Oct 16 2014, 04:24 AM -
Replays: 36 Game:
wtf, u still playing?
#5MythvMight  Oct 21 2014, 20:00 PM -
Replays: 377 Game:
I watched but it is hard to see how they lose, Rohan has a strong horse micro and keeps them alive till the end of the game so with no base himself the other team loses lol

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