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Command and Conquer 3

dammit HoF!! worldsdominate vs g00d_d4y

#11shocktapus  May 1 2014, 14:24 PM -
Replays: 223 Game:
You basically won the game but got cocky by spamming WFs and refs at his middle field which wasted all your money. If you had just held a forward line out of range of his defences and then spammed at full eco you would have rolled him easily and not died to the stealth tank.
#12_Unknown_  Jun 3 2014, 22:47 PM -
Vod is available here by spartacus.
#13Replaysystem  Feb 21 2016, 19:14 PM -

Replays: 0
A Hall of Fame poll has been set up for this replay. Please click here to visit the nomination topic and vote whether you feel this replay deserves a place in the Command and Conquer 3 Hall of Fame.
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