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Command and Conquer 3

How to bash a MS-er.

#1ytchasse600ful  Dec 15 2015, 12:02 PM -
Replays: 52
#2Police/AK  Jan 14 2016, 12:59 PM -

man this is crazy really BIG GG the way ~CLAUDlU~* stooped the ms for 3 times is just unbelievable and the way he played and it was 2 vs 1 he manged to be in 2 place in 1 time, from the start I said he lost then i said ok he lost now then ok now but in all that critical moments he do something very smart and avoid losing wow man u really a pro, and even so Scrin is not ur favorite faction u did that, we all know that ur a GDI player.
one BIG WUBs for u
Best Regards
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