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Command and Conquer 4

the problem of map?

#1kapoleo  Jul 4 2011, 01:36 AM -
Replays: 26
Everyone think that the ice station omega is a map of gdi
And I know that is true
So maybe this replay can give you some useful methods
For example, try to make a total war in the centre which can be longer than 5 mins
My english is bad but hope you can know what I mean
#2stormgear  Jul 4 2011, 02:04 AM -
Replays: 27 Game:
I've been hearing this same remark at iso. Is it a "GDI map" because of the Bridge to Nowhere Support approach? Send Support to uplink and deploy Sheppards?
#3Incia  Jul 4 2011, 14:36 PM -
Replays: 27 Game:
Just saying, isn't Nod all about Tib early-mid game?

I mean, Nod can easily secure the own Green/Blue Tib and harvest all early to mid game, totally ignoring the center and 3 Nodes.
Then at Tier 3 they will push forward and rape GDI.

This same tactic can be used on Bridge to nowhere, where Nod turtle and secure own Blue and 2 green at game start. Then steamroll at Tier 3.

But sure, if Nod rushes the center with 2 Supports then they are on a suicide mission.
#4cheetah1988  Jul 4 2011, 14:40 PM -
Replays: 10 Game:
Just saying, isn't Nod all about Tib early-mid game?

I mean, Nod can easily secure the own Green/Blue Tib and harvest all early to mid game, totally ignoring the center and 3 Nodes.
Then at Tier 3 they will push forward and rape GDI.

This same tactic can be used on Bridge to nowhere, where Nod turtle and secure own Blue and 2 green at game start. Then steamroll at Tier 3.

But sure, if Nod rushes the center with 2 Supports then they are on a suicide mission.

#5Wombat  Jul 4 2011, 15:40 PM -
Replays: 37 Game:
I suppose the perception of which map favours NOD or GDI is based on the tib available on the map. Any map with 2 green and 2 blue is considered a GDI map as NOD has to work harder to get to T3, however other maps with 4 green are consider NOD maps for the simple reason of getting T3 quicker. Well that's my view anyway.

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