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Command and Conquer 4

5v5 game on Ice Station Omega

Video Type:Commentary
Players/Teams:can't remember
for some reason my Mic was scratchy at the beginning but it gets better as it goes on.

Read this for the hot-keys.

Please try to play in high settings if possible?

Also if you VOD a replay from the popular Replay section then add a link to the replay.

And not to discourage but there's a reason VODs usually only are from popular games or games with many wubs, a game where someone wins with over 3000 points isn't really exciting to watch. ohmy.gif

Nice to see new videos posted though.
It's always nice to watch a new vod^^ Thx though the game wasn't the most exciting one.
Well played from GDI smurf-pro, thought it could not change the very predictable result of such game even with half of the NODs being an average players (I know some of them). Bash one after all but again - some GDIs have done very well.