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Company of Heroes

2v2 Double US Guide to Barracks and WSC


The WSC Player

The early-game versus mixed Axis is a bit of a combination of both earlier building orders. You have to start with two .30 cals to resist multiple Panzer Grenadiers supported by MG42s, and most likely a Motorcycle.

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Your next unit depends a bit on what the Wehrmacht player is doing. Most Wehrmacht players will play something like MG42 Bike MG42; in that case you get a Mortar first and a Sniper second. If the Wehrmacht player goes MG Bike Sniper, you'll need your Sniper earlier lest your MGs and Mortar will die. In response, get a Sniper first and a Mortar second, since you'll always need a Mortar as first or second unit to kill his MG42s and bunker.

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The Barracks Player

The role and the building order of the barracks player is almost exactly the same as in the double US vs double Wehrmacht match-up. Get three Rifles with BARs, a Jeep if you prefer, and support your mate.

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After this you should build a Triage Center in the middle of both bases (if possible) and get a Medic Tent.

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