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Company of Heroes

DFA 2v2 Gu1tar/Savage (2xAr) vs Maxxx/Abe (Bli/SE)

#1Th3Gu1tarPl4yer  Mar 8 2011, 03:52 AM -
Replays: 46 Game:
Nice game, thanks a lot guys. Savage came with me Central VP sacrificing a bit his own safety in the nearby base but that hold was good to start, then we went 2xarmor? i think because we were to busy microing to chat lol, more communication would have been nice. Then the P4, Tiger, the Hummels, Shermans, Calliopes, triple vet rifle. This time rax + WSC worked mate smile.gif sorry to Abe and Maxx I couldn't play one more, it's nearly 5 am and gotta work tomorrow.
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