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Company of Heroes

The bloodening

#1kentoshogun  May 26 2016, 14:57 PM -
Replays: 36 Game:
First of a round of 5 games where we won 3 and lost 2.
This stomp might have been possible due to Bulat's lvl being kind of lower than Stilet, some time after this Stilet played with a better mate in a different map and won.
#2Magnolia  May 26 2016, 19:32 PM -
Replays: 221
GG... round 4 and 5 was bc I was too tired^^
#3nin3  Jul 4 2016, 23:36 PM -
First of a round of 5 games where we won 3 and lost 2.
This stomp might have been possible due to Bulat's lvl being kind of lower than Stilet, some time after this Stilet played with a better mate in a different map and won.

how many u played as axis?
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