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Company of Heroes

Piats in the Bushes

#1Refreshment  Oct 22 2013, 23:57 PM -
Replays: 14 Game:
2v2 on Lyon. Fucked the start up horrendously with the truck rush, and after an hour long slug fest (we lost our HQs) we slowly turned it around.

How so? Tank support from my Amer teammate, and Piat commandos in every square inch of ground. Guerrilla warfare to the extreme. We were held up in the tiny corner of the map and had to fight off waves of tanks.

Brit - Commandos
Amer - Armor
PE - Tank Destroyer
Wehr - Blitzkrieg

Enjoy the game.
#2lehussardnoir  Oct 24 2013, 14:56 PM -
Replays: 27
A very very good play... Amazing : it was a real pleasure to Watch this game.

A very good job... Well played guys..
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