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Company of Heroes

HERE 2 RIPP U (not really xD )

#1Ra11  May 11 2016, 14:41 PM -
Nothing special from wehr.... Def / Blitz vs Armor / Arty

Some arrogantly players , which team up with voice over ... then still loosing as mixed allies on rails ..... then try to drophack ...

#2.maddoc.  May 12 2016, 08:51 AM -
Good job. At least they were named properly, both cunt and dropper.
#3RoCk_!t  May 12 2016, 11:06 AM -
Replays: 66
drophacks are pretty common these days. got about 3-5 in 2 days and didnt get a win one time against top 10 players oO
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