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Company of Heroes


#11djw2104  Oct 10 2015, 17:51 PM -

Replays: 8 Game:
This is still a peer-to-peer system, so you'll find his IP address in 'warnings.log' after the game.

You can block his entire subnet in your firewall if this bothers you much.

teach me how to do. there is no ip adress in warnings log

I think that it is about six lines up from the bottom of the page. It is in WordPad format and I think it overwrites when you play the next game.
#12Loli Hat  Oct 11 2015, 07:12 AM -
Replays: 0
He has now changed his in game name to IN CHALLAH and is still using the same trick according to chat.
His Steam profile says he has also used the names::
El Jezair
123 viva algeria
Internal War

I would recommend doing a search of his name on Steam where you can report him for Cheating as I have done.

Just keep track of the steam ID....
#13RageWithTheMachine  Oct 11 2015, 19:51 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:

Actually, that was anecdotal. Only sometimes there's a direct UDP connection with another machine during the game, which is logged, and I assume that's the opponent. Maybe the battleservers is some hybrid system. I would still make a copy of the logfile if you meet the cheater.
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