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Company of Heroes

Rails and metal, back and forth

#1delly.x  Mar 29 2015, 12:21 PM -
Replays: 14 Game:
Double PE against double US again. I have slowly been trying to get out of my WSC mindset, but not in this game. Plan was to hold the +10 fuel for long enough for quick tech. I tried to play the role of support as much as possible, but have to give credit to my more experienced team mate who knew where to be on the map and when. I could have definitely helped him more looking back on it, but was focused on that fuel point.

PE players worked well together and that dreaded Panther battle group made an early showing as always. OP's ammo points helped in countering.

Star player goes to the M8 who appeared at just the right moment to save the day and who survived to the end.
#2Domovoi  Mar 30 2015, 19:59 PM -
Replays: 21 Game:
2 usa vs 2 pe is hard,especially on Duclair
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