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Company of Heroes

Sniper kills 87 men

#1gravemouth  Aug 25 2014, 04:40 AM -
Replays: 79 Game:
That dude will sure beat his wife back home. Enough said! GG
#2SmaugTheMightyDragon  Aug 25 2014, 05:03 AM -
holy canoly!! wubbed, altho not the best american player.
#3gravemouth  Aug 25 2014, 05:09 AM -
Replays: 79 Game:
He kept abusing my base with Arty and Rangers, that stuff gave me some hard time. I guess that's what happen when you choose not to get a single Gren tongue.gif
#4NUMEREUR  Aug 25 2014, 08:16 AM -
Replays: 87
yea not good opponent but i like your sniper and his m8,it was fun.GG
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