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Company of Heroes

KleineHenkie (Comm.) vs. propositionjoe (Blitz)

#1KleineHenkie  Jul 31 2015, 20:04 PM -
Replays: 1
KleineHenkie (position 49 British, level 8) vs. propositionjoe (position 6 Wehrmacht, level 13)
Very close endgame, Beaux Lowlands.
#2SuchIsLife  Aug 3 2015, 16:20 PM -
Replays: 108 Game:
A bit boring at the start but it picked up.
Brit players don't win games, Wehr players lose them and that's exactly what happened here. As a high level Wehr player he should know that Beaux is an Axis players wet dream vs Brits. He just made to many mistakes.
Well played...Wubbed.
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