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GameReplays.org's BBCode Master Guide v3.119.0

Inline Formatting
Bold: for strong emphasis etc.

Bold Sample Text
[b]Bold Sample Text[/b]

Italics: for emphasis or typographic distinction

Italics Sample Text
[i]Italics Sample Text[/i]

Strike-through: to mark text as deleted

Strike-through Sample Text
[s]Strike-through Sample Text[/s]

Underline: do not use

Underlined Sample Text
[u]Underlined Sample Text[/u]

Font Size: valid values are 1 to 7, default text size is 2. Does not look good over multiple lines.

Font Size 1
Font Size 2 (default size)
Font Size 3
Font Size 4
Font Size 5
Font Size 6
Font Size 7
[size=1]Font Size 1[/size]
[size=2]Font Size 2 (default size)[/size]
[size=3]Font Size 3[/size]
[size=4]Font Size 4[/size]
[size=5]Font Size 5[/size]
[size=6]Font Size 6[/size]
[size=7]Font Size 7[/size]

Font (Typeface) selection, e.g. the default serif font
[font=serif]Font (typeface) selection, e.g. the default serif font[/font]

Text Color: value is any valid HTML color, either named, “rgb(rrr, ggg, bbb)” or hexadecimal “#RRGGBB” or “#RGB”

red green blue
[color=red]red[/color] [color=#00FF00]green[/color] [color=#0000FF]blue[/color]

Revnote: for making editorial annotations

it's full potential Do you mean "its" or "it's"?
it's full potential [revnote]Do you mean "its" or "it's"?[/revnote]

Blue Revnote: for making additional editorial annotations, or when there are multiple people making editorial notes. Named after an amazing Lead Editor and Global Administrator!

it's full potential Do you mean "its" or "it's"?
it's full potential [dj]Do you mean "its" or "it's"?[/dj]

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