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Oak/QoT/Reg - TB/UB/Sed

#1Teseer  Dec 30 2009, 05:52 AM -
Replays: 25 Game:
Just another fun game.
#2Cowbuttzex  Dec 31 2009, 02:26 AM -
Replays: 57 Game:
I imagine you tore them to apart, Alter and windswept are very good players and you were vers a reg and a qot. I wont bother with this one.
#3Teseer  Dec 31 2009, 03:09 AM -
Replays: 25 Game:
I imagine you tore them to apart, Alter and windswept are very good players and you were vers a reg and a qot. I wont bother with this one.

It was just a fun game man. If ya didn't wanna watch, no prob.
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