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4v4 Premade -- JUSTICE Clan Vs. Shade's Team

#1I)estroyer  Oct 3 2009, 06:02 AM -
Replays: 6 Game:
For all those of you who wonder just what an ultra high lvl game in Demigod might

look like, seek no further. This is one of the premier games for the

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. clan and, facing off against them is none other than the

terrifying specter of Shade and his team. Congratulations to all involved and

thanks for making this such a great game. I hope this replay not only entertains

but, inspires other Demigod players to bring up their game to the next level.

Enjoy smile.gif
#2ThunderBringer  Oct 3 2009, 20:47 PM -
Replays: 2
Really, why is this posted. It's not high level play at all. We had a pug on our team that played a Sedna that didn't have heal. Probably had Yetis or something.
#3McShane87  Oct 3 2009, 23:23 PM -
Replays: 54
Really, why is this posted. It's not high level play at all. We had a pug on our team that played a Sedna that didn't have heal. Probably had Yetis or something.

Yea I can't believe that guy playing Sedna was allowed in with only 22197 minutes played. What a jerk of a host I am setting you guys up like that! Lol.
#4ThunderBringer  Oct 4 2009, 03:57 AM -
Replays: 2
Really, why is this posted. It's not high level play at all. We had a pug on our team that played a Sedna that didn't have heal. Probably had Yetis or something.

Yea I can't believe that guy playing Sedna was allowed in with only 22197 minutes played. What a jerk of a host I am setting you guys up like that! Lol.

I had no problems with the game; it was pretty fun. I'm talking about posting the replay. And calling it high level play.

Sorry, the Sedna just has me really pissed. I told her to buy high priests but she got bishops. So I got high priests-and then she decides to buy high priests. At that point I was ready to quit the game, after wasting two minutes and tons of gold.
#5ntropy  Oct 7 2009, 11:38 AM -
Replays: 8 Game:
Alot of nice team action.
One thing though: Currency 1 at war rank 4, with this many kills. =FAIL
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