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Dota 2 Patch - Make way for Magnus

By Jcphne - 5th October 2012 - 12:22 PM

And just when you thought Warcraft III Dota was dead, here comes Icefrog without messing around and a new hero is born, changes are made, balance is refreshed and Dota is healthy and alive. Magnus is ported from DotA to Dota 2. For those who do not know Magnus check this out. Since Dota 2 uses now the latest patch of Dota here is the latest changelog in 6.75b.

Cyborgmatt is yet again showing his awesome skills with his Patch Content Analysis

The complete patch notes are as follows:
- Added Magnus!
- Enabled Team creation.
- Made all 6.75b Parity changes
- Added around 150 new items to the store.

- Ability tooltips are now more precise about what kind of units they can target.

- Fixed basic courier movement speed being too low

- Lowered the tankiness threshold for doing Roshan.
- Bots now only save for buyback later in games, and now save the proper amount.
- Lich bot will no longer cast Chain Frost on a single target that's about to die or that is able to blink away.
- Skeleton King bot is now better about saving mana for Reincarnate.
- Improved Windrunner bot's Shakleshot usage (she will now take into account unit movement).
- Bots will no longer have any desire to farm while they are temporarily invisible.
- Added support for selling/dropping situational items when necessary (wards, dust, etc).
- Adjusted Skeleton King and Dragon Knight bots' loadouts.
- Bots will now scale their attack desire on non-heroes based on how dangerous they think the unit is.
- Bots will now harass hero-like units (ie. Spirit Bear) when laning.
- Bots will now consider trying to kill hero-like units.

- Fixed Freezing Field duration.
- Fixed Power Treads attack speed.
- Fixed blademail tooltip.
- Fixed Shadow Amulet not appearing in the shop while browsing.
- Fixed Overgrowth duration.
- Fixed Unstable Concoction duration.
- Fixed only the tooltip on Summon Wolves HP being updated.
- Fixed Magnus missing recommended items.
- Fixed Devour cooldown.
- Fixed Shadow Fiend's Requiem tooltip.
- Fixed Shadow Fiend Requieming twice as many souls as he should have on death.
- Fixed units to not teleport with Magnus if he is teleported while Skewering them.
- Fixed Skewer having a cast range.
- Fixed Reverse Polarity not moving units instantly.
- Fixed Skewer killing Roshan instantly.
- Fixed Skewer not destroying trees.
- Fixed Sadist double regen.
- Fixed non-animating Magnus portrait.
- Fixed Incapacitating Bite still listing damage bonus values.
- Fixed bot loadouts for Shadow Amulet.

Source: Official change log on Dota 2 Forums