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Kanes Wrath

Kane's Wrath Ladder Wars Finals Season 1
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Brackets Released for the Kane's Wrath 1v1 Tournament

By methuselah - 30th January 2009 - 20:09 PM

Gamereplays is hosting another Kane's Wrath tournament on Saturday, January 31st to celebrate the 1.02 balance patch. The brackets have just been released so find your first round opponent now!

The Brackets

The Details

DATE: Saturday, 31st of January

TIME: 12.00 GMT
It is your responsibility to make sure you show up at the correct time! You will not be reminded! The entire tournament will be finished within an estimated 2-3 hours. Please plan your time accordingly!

LOCATION/GAME LOBBY: (Referees in parentheses) Your game lobby will be determined by the bracket group you are in. You will not find this out until the brackets have been released.

Group A - Tournament One

Group B - Tournament Two

Maps – Predetermined, dependent on round number. See below.
Factions – All allowed, including random.

Match Result Reporting – Rounds 1 through 3 will not be watched by referees. Please save your replays in case there is a result dispute!! Once there are four players remaining, matches will be refereed and the replays automatically saved.

Out-of-Sync (OOS) Errors: Due to fact that OOS are somewhat prevalent during KW matches, the following policy will be followed - Firstly, YOU MUST SAVE THE REPLAY IF YOUR GAME GOES OOS. A tournament staff member will review this replay. If there is a clear winner, that player will advance. If not, the match will have to be replayed. Keep in mind that the staff member's decision will be 100% final and non-negotiable. Your eligibility for future tournament may be hindered by conflict. Repeated OOS errors in relation to a particular player may indicate abuse. Should this occur, the player in question may be disqualified.

Cheating/DCing/Dispute Resolution: Reports and issues will be resolved by the tournament manager and the referees. Cheating and intentional DCing will result in removal from the tournament and a ban from all subsequent tournaments hosted by Gamereplays.org. Poor sportsmanship may also result in disqualification from the tournament.

Other: Players that do not show up for their play time and are more than 15 minutes late will be disqualified. At this point, an alternate team will replace them, or the other team will receive a bye for the round. Players are expected to continue playing until eliminated or the end of the tournament is reached. Failure to play rounds in an expedient manner will result in disqualification.

Round One: 64 Players, Best-of-one, Tournament Coastline (32 Games)
Round Two: 32 Players, Best-of-one, Tournament Arena (16 Games)
Round Three: 16 Players, Best-of-one, Barstow Badlands (8 Games)
Round Four: 8 Players, Best-of-one, Tournament Tower (4 games)
Round Five (Semi-Finals): 4 Players, Best-of-three, Tournament Rift/Tournament Decision/Tournament Dustbowl (6-9 Games)
Round Five (Finals): 2 Players, Best-of-three, Tiber River Vally/Tournament Small Town USA/Tournament Rift (4-6 Games)

All questions and queries can be directed at the tournament manager. Good luck to all participants! Please join the Kane's Wrath 1.02 Tournament Discussion Topic here!