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Kanes Wrath

Zocom Vs Black Hand 3

#1vOddy  Jun 24 2009, 15:09 PM -
Replays: 44 Game:
For a very long time, people have been uploading replays that feature me getting bashed in a funny way because I'm lazy, unmotivated, tired, or trying a new build order / strategy.

Since everyones reaction is " epic game ! woot *WUB* " (One of those games got wubbed into hall of fame. Thanks a lot, guys) people apparently think I'm playing seriously. I don't want anyone to think that I'm the n00b I play like in those replays, and that's why I'm uploading the 6 games that I just played. In these gaems, I am playing my best. If you want to judge me as a newb now, you can do it. I'm just sick of getting my skill level judged from games where I'm not trying to win.

So now you can judge me, I don't care if you still think I suck, but at least you now have some idea of my current skill level.
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