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League of Legends

Intense Yordle Team

#1_Golgoth_  Apr 27 2011, 22:15 PM -
Replays: 57 Game:
This game was just complete madness
After much disorder the game just...


Purely awesome

Edit: Oh and we had Rumble too
This post has been edited by _Golgoth_: Apr 27 2011, 23:38 PM
#2Schwaermer  Apr 27 2011, 22:19 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:

wubbed for sydney's mumu^^
#3seadhna  Apr 27 2011, 23:33 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Was like my worst game ever.
Also, Soraka heals + Shen ult is like "Hi you're fighting 5v6"
#4trucky  Apr 27 2011, 23:34 PM -
Bandage Toss can be used on enemy champions, as well as air
#5seadhna  Apr 27 2011, 23:36 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Bandage Toss can be used on enemy champions, as well as air

i'm pretty sure there shouldn't be a comma in there
please clarify!

#6_Golgoth_  Apr 27 2011, 23:37 PM -
Replays: 57 Game:
Sydney failed soo badly soo often ><
#7trucky  Apr 27 2011, 23:41 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
but he carried the epic tank game at least - post that too tongue.gif
#8Taraska  Apr 28 2011, 00:10 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Rumble, rumble, rumble...!
It seems like yordle team is viable after all)
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