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please help me improve 2 (corki)

#1Moorkh  Mar 26 2011, 22:56 PM -
Replays: 24 Game:
I switched to corki and he is more squishy than sivir. here is a match i recently played
#2Schwaermer  Mar 27 2011, 12:11 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
hey there
im gonna watch it and add a tip because i love corki myself and hope i can help you
This post has been edited by Schwaermer: Mar 27 2011, 12:13 PM
#3Schwaermer  Mar 27 2011, 12:43 PM -
hey again so here is my advice:


-i almost always run flash and exhaust for corki and this game just proved it again. it provides great utility and those nasty little yi's wont stand a chance

-take mid! mid corki is the best corki, more farm, more experience, more directing the game. corki is a really strong champ he can basically take on any enemy in mid lane


-yup corki is a squishy. therefore I always start with either doran's shield or blade depending on the enemy I face, I prefer shield though.

-first item you went was manamune. I agree. However a lot of people dont. But i love it since it gives a nice damage boost and eliminates your mana problems. get the simple boots before it though

-once you hit lvl6 hell should be raining upon your opponents. Don't be afraid to spam R like a baws. it's a great poke and annoys the living hell out of people. once you poked down to 30% health jump in, press E, autoattack and Q to finish. if the enemy didn't pack flash, he dies! trust me

-understand corki's damage output, right in the beginning you missed a double kill. i literally bit my lip when i saw that. be ballsy but not crazy


-well your team sucked lol simple as that but you did some good moves. always try to avoid the clusterfuck of cc and abilities and stay a little outside. poke, spam E and Q and chase/flee with the jump

-target their squishies and carries. since corki doesnt have any CC himself try to avoid the tanks and focus down their carries.

-lategame items: there you did a mistake. frozen mallet is not a good item on corki for a few reasons: the only good part about it is the chunk of health but is that really worth that high amount of gold? you should get the slow from the LIZARD which is YOUR buff in the game with corki, always! it just doesn't provide enough damage for corki. bloodrazor i also disagree with because you need to get into autoattack range and that can be risky.

my core items: manamune, trinity, banshee's
situational yet very very important for corki: black cleaver, last whisper, bloodthirster
very situational, your choice: the type of boots

general stuff:

-you can reveal people taking a crap in the bush with your Q ability. in case of doubt, use it

-always try to save your teammates whenever possible. that doesnt mean that you ought to die for them but deliver as much damage to an enemy if he's chasing your fellow mate. you can stay in safe distance for that since R and Q have a nice range.

-spam R when being followed or when following. kite and poke

-against morde: dont stand next to your own creeps, it will hurt and he gets a shitload of shield

I hope you find some useful stuff in there! let me know if you followed my advice and had some improvement! take care and have fun!
This post has been edited by Schwaermer: Mar 27 2011, 12:44 PM
#4Moorkh  Mar 28 2011, 00:05 AM -
Replays: 24 Game:
hey again so here is my advice:


-i almost always run flash and exhaust for corki and this game just proved it again. it provides great utility and those nasty little yi's wont stand a chance

-take mid! mid corki is the best corki, more farm, more experience, more directing the game. corki is a really strong champ he can basically take on any enemy in mid lane


-yup corki is a squishy. therefore I always start with either doran's shield or blade depending on the enemy I face, I prefer shield though.

-first item you went was manamune. I agree. However a lot of people dont. But i love it since it gives a nice damage boost and eliminates your mana problems. get the simple boots before it though

-once you hit lvl6 hell should be raining upon your opponents. Don't be afraid to spam R like a baws. it's a great poke and annoys the living hell out of people. once you poked down to 30% health jump in, press E, autoattack and Q to finish. if the enemy didn't pack flash, he dies! trust me

-understand corki's damage output, right in the beginning you missed a double kill. i literally bit my lip when i saw that. be ballsy but not crazy


-well your team sucked lol simple as that but you did some good moves. always try to avoid the clusterfuck of cc and abilities and stay a little outside. poke, spam E and Q and chase/flee with the jump

-target their squishies and carries. since corki doesnt have any CC himself try to avoid the tanks and focus down their carries.

-lategame items: there you did a mistake. frozen mallet is not a good item on corki for a few reasons: the only good part about it is the chunk of health but is that really worth that high amount of gold? you should get the slow from the LIZARD which is YOUR buff in the game with corki, always! it just doesn't provide enough damage for corki. bloodrazor i also disagree with because you need to get into autoattack range and that can be risky.

my core items: manamune, trinity, banshee's
situational yet very very important for corki: black cleaver, last whisper, bloodthirster
very situational, your choice: the type of boots

general stuff:

-you can reveal people taking a crap in the bush with your Q ability. in case of doubt, use it

-always try to save your teammates whenever possible. that doesnt mean that you ought to die for them but deliver as much damage to an enemy if he's chasing your fellow mate. you can stay in safe distance for that since R and Q have a nice range.

-spam R when being followed or when following. kite and poke

-against morde: dont stand next to your own creeps, it will hurt and he gets a shitload of shield

I hope you find some useful stuff in there! let me know if you followed my advice and had some improvement! take care and have fun!


the bloodrazor was because of the high health champs that were running around.

the frozen mallet was primarily for its health as u correctly pointed out. At that point in a game i start feeling too squishy so build it. maybe I will build a banshees instead or frozen heart if the enemy is physical dps heavy.

Wont a Infinity Edge be better than a Trinity force in terms of pure damage which i need?
#5Schwaermer  Mar 28 2011, 01:11 AM -
Replays: 4 Game:
trinity gives you
+30 Attack Damage
+30 Ability Power
+30% Attack Speed
+15% Critical Chance
+12% Move Speed
+250 Health
+250 Mana

and the sheen proc which is awesome on corki since he spams R constatly

IE gives you
+75 Attack Damage
+20% Critical Strike

and the passive of course

same price and i mean EVERYTHING trinity offers is great on corki. whereas the crit damage isnt that important on corki.
therefore i'd say trinity before IE

youd be better off getting a BF sword with trinity imo for the damage output..and then decide which item you want to build out of it.

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