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The Lighthouse: Kiro

By Commissioner Sybert - 6th January 2015 - 19:00 PM

Welcome comrades, once more to The Red3 Lighthouse. Our next highlight player is H2O||Kiro! You can watch Kiro's FPV on his Twitch channel. Be sure to follow him so you know when he goes live!

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Red3: First, tell us a little bit about yourself. Age, general location, what you do. Be as vague or specific as you like.

Kiro: I'm 26 and living in Strasbourg, France. A border city with Germany pretty known for beers and sausages.

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Red3: Do you work, attend school or university, or do you do something else?

Kiro: I'm actualy done with university, have a Licence in Business & Management and looking for a job in that branch.

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Red3: Tell us one interesting thing about yourself that we don't know.

Kiro: I am an old RA 2 player (2005-2008). I've been playing that game competitively in ladder, I used to be in top 10 in Clan Match & Quick Match (Similar to our 2v2 - 1vs1 AM) playing Soviets as main faction.

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Red3: Why did you go with "Kiro" as your name?

Kiro: To be honest I don't really remember how exactly I did get that nickname. All I can say about it, is that I'm using it (on Forums and Video Games) now since almost 10 years. Funny fact is, once someone linked me a Google search, and that gothic girl who has absolutely nothing to do with me popped up from nowhere ^^.

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Red3: What got you into competitive gaming?

Kiro: I always had thirst for competition on what ever I do in real life. Even more when this is something that's near and dear to my heart. I'm always looking to know where are my limits and how good I can be on this or that. Ironically, I can easily be stressed and screw up everything.

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Red3: What other games do you play??

Kiro: I don't have any other games that I'm playing daily. I'm a big fan of Metal Gear / Resident Evil / Uncharted franchise. Time to time, I'm playing Fighting, Soccer or FPS games on console (King of Fighters, Street Fighter, Tekken, Fifa, Call of Duty) but that's only happen when I'm with family or friends, otherwise I wouldn't play them lonely.

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Red3: What are your hobbies, apart from gaming?

Kiro: Sharing time with my family, friends and girlfriend, cinema, reading, sport & travel.

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Red3: What is your favorite thing about Red Alert 3?

Kiro: Community. I've never seen such a close community, where everyone knows everyone. I wouldn't probably have keep playing RA 3 if I had not all these mates and people making the game so interesting. In addition of that, we're lucky to be all complementary, everyone has something to bring. Sybert & Rage managing the events. Toxic & Plokite taking care about the online service. Expert and Good players, Streamers and Casters to make the show. We even have a little group of programmers (Chris & Ice_Maker leading) to make the game experience better.

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Red3: What is your favorite memory while playing Red Alert 3?

Kiro: I have quite a lot of them. The most enjoyable are the ones that made me laugh the most.
  • Like that 3v3 tourney where General was supposed to be in a random team and had to face the [m8s] team, then he popped up from nowhere and said in all seriousness Fair teams ? Goldy + Vindies + me ?
  • Or that other 3v3 game where Dankal killed a hidden transporter + Yuriko of his own mate trying to escape from my tengus in Dankal main base (The transporter was disguised on one of my tengus and I was on the opposite team).
  • Or again that game between AA and Messi on II where Messi trying to kill a BD sitting on his harvester with a TD and has infected his own harvester and then rage-quit sell-off.

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Red3: What is your favorite replay?

Kiro: My favorite of mine is the one I've played against Lictor on FI, because that's the first entertaining game that I've bring to the community and which has been casted. From that game we began to consider me as a mighty warrior from Empire of the Rising Sun ^^.

If I had to choose a replay not including me, I would pick that game between Lictor and Terry on IS where Lictor shrinked like 15 units and put a cryoggedon in the center of his main base which was strongly defended by units and towers. This is the game that impressed me the most in my very first months on playing RA 3.

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Red3: Why did you decide to main Empire?

Kiro: I've always had a passion for Japanese culture (Lifestyle, Gastronomy, History, Manga). Also the units reminded me a lot Mechas from Transformers and some other Mangas and Video Games I really liked. Thereafter, it seemed natural that I should play Empire.

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Red3: Who is your most feared opponents?

Kiro: This is pretty hard to say because depending the match up (1v1, team game, map) this can vary from a player to another.
But If I really had to name the best player I've ever faced for each faction, I would pick :
  • Dankal as Soviets
  • Lictor / Vindies as Allies
  • P3r_ as Empire
All these players showed me that they've been beast in both, team game and 1v1, which is not necessary true for all the expert or good players.

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Red3: If you could bring one player back to Red Alert 3, who would it be and why?

Kiro: P3r_ ! I really miss that player and I've always been looking to watch his replay w/e is the quality, W/L, entertaining or not. Speaking as an Empire player, with Eminence, they've both always been an example to follow. Eminence for the BO's and tactical mind, P3r_ for the craziness of micro and multitask.

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Red3: What would you like to see from the Red3 staff or the RA3 community in the future?

Kiro: More events per month including more team tourney (Monthly or at least bi-monthly managing a 2v2 or 3v3 tourney). I feel the competitive scene too low on that point since we've lost the Ladder + LW + ME, this is my only regret.

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Red3: Do you have any tips for improving play / for newer players?

Kiro: There's not any secret to get good at something. Some people are naturally talented and all come easily to them, for the others, all is about practice, experience and desire to succeed. And of course, if you have both combined, you can't fail. This is a fact that you can apply at anything in real life.

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Red3: Any messages to the community, thanks to individuals, or shout outs?
Kiro: Big thanks to all my mates (Past and Present) I've played and keep playing with, for years now and making the game so interesting. JeJe, Phoenix, GTX, Lictor, Tony, Raptor, SUED123, GoW, Xia, Vindies, Goldy, Messi, AA, Rono, Fissen. I hope I have not forgotten any ^^
Anyway, thanks for all the fun we had and, I hope, we will keep have all together.
Thanks also to you Sybert and Rage for all the efforts you're doing to keep the game alive.
And a final thanks to all the people being in the shadow bringing their contribution w/e they do, like the anonymous donators, stream / youtube and relplay viewers + wubbers. You're all rockin' !

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Thank you to H2O||Kiro for taking the time to answer our questions. We'll be looking to highlight more players with the Red3 Lighthouse in the future.

Once again you can catch Kiro on Twitch for all his broadcasts and FPV action. If you have any feedback, concerns, or suggestions for upcoming Lighthouse features, let us know in the thread linked below.

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Check out some of Kiro's replays
Check out the previous Lighthouse: Vindies
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