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Rise of the Witch King

1vs1 cw

#1DJParson  Apr 9 2016, 09:59 AM -
Replays: 88 Game:
Me and Cam had 4 1vs1 CW games yesterday and I think this one was quite good. If there is a high demand I could upload the other 3 games as well.
Me: Men
Cam: Isengard

Pretty crazy opening that put me in the lead early but I missplayed a little bit and should not have gone for his warg lair.
This is also a good example why I really dislike putting production buildings in front of the fort and not to the sides.
My finnishing move reminded me of the good old online days where one KODA could kill a fort in like 3 seconds biggrin.gif
#2 Elendil  Apr 9 2016, 11:32 AM -
Replays: 60 Game:
would be nice to have more games... allways nice to watch some good replays while eating or soemthing^^
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