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StarCraft 2

Korean Diamonds ZvP epic long match (mass nydus)

#1N4iL  Aug 31 2010, 14:03 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
2 koreans show how to use FE and mass nydus canals.

watch it!
#2dbol  Aug 31 2010, 14:24 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
saw this on gosugamers

very cool nydus play, zerg outplayed him, but why toss didnt get observer for roaches i dont know
#3Burnmelt  Aug 31 2010, 15:32 PM -
Replays: 15
#4Gnu  Aug 31 2010, 16:39 PM -
Replays: 4
I demand more replays with nydus worms.

that is fun as hell to watch.
#5Aymi  Aug 31 2010, 22:03 PM -
Replays: 5
still toss had storms and all tech by 13-15 min to me thats very impresive but zergs micro was way awesome, when he had 5k min and 3k gas he should of massed immortals and zealots with stalkers for zergs ultras and lings and just pushed against his main base
#6AUSOwnage  Sep 1 2010, 10:54 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Wtf? Why didn't the protoss have any offensive units? (aside form 1 zealot/1 sentry) until "10" minutes,

the zerg had could have destroyed him.

Did they agree to a no-rush game or something?
#7Mr.Shankly  Sep 1 2010, 12:04 PM -
He fast expanded, if he scouted that the zerg was making more units he could get more stuff to defend
#8Alablaster  Sep 1 2010, 18:45 PM -
Storm city. Didn't thikn there was any way to live through all those storms. One of the best games I've seen so far. Wub!
#9Burnmelt  Sep 1 2010, 18:46 PM -
Replays: 15
If zerg hadn't botched putting guys on gas like 3x would have been really one sided. Still, have to comment on this again as its easily my favorite high skill replay yet.
#10kosaqz  Sep 1 2010, 20:17 PM -
Replays: 15
So 2 things

1 single observer could win the game
2 HT aren't the best vs roaches and are very bad vs ultras. Immortal's or VR's would be alot better.
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