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Maru's Complete Cartel Overview

By Maru - 2nd October 2015 - 10:16 AM

Cartel Aircraft


This is the Cartel builder unit. Being airborne it is able to get to where it is needed at quicker speeds however it does however lack in durability.

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Hit points: N/A
Armaments: N/A
Produced By: HQ

IPB Image Advanced Optical Camoflage

Recon K-MAX

The Recon K-MAX is an unmanned reconnaissance variant of the K-MAX transport drone. It is the quickest of the three recon units available in AoA - however it lacks the ability to engage other units as it has no built-in weapon systems on board.

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IPB Image1500
Hit points: 5
Armaments: N/A
Produced By: HQ
Upgrades: N/A


The K-MAX is the fragile yet speedy worker unit for the Cartel, it picks up and drops off resources. While it certainly doesn't have the largest storage capacity, it more than makes up for that with it's speed and ability to pass awkward terrain thus allowing Cartel to expand much faster than other factions and to extend its supply line further.

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IPB Image175
Hit points: 5
Armaments: N/A
Produced By: Refinery

IPB Image Advanced Optical Camoflage


Transport Helicopter able to transport up to eight infantry units. It is unarmed with an option to upgrade to a Side-Door Minigun. It also has an optical camouflage for added defense. This unit is especially good at sneaking surprise infantry sections upon an enemy position which lacks stealth detection.

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IPB Image500
Hit points: 15
Armaments: GAU-19 (upgrade)
Produced by: Helipad

IPB Image Side-door GAU-19


A ground attack helicopter armed with an autocannon and JCM Missiles, highly effective against infantry, buildings and vehicles. With its optical camouflage, a group of these is more than capable of sneaking up on outer lying resource buildings and defenses and taking them down with the Ambush effect.

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IPB Image500 IPB Image500
Hit points: 10
Armaments: XM301 Autocannon & JCM missiles
Produced by: Helipad

IPB Image Computerized flying procedure


The Mi-24 Superhind is a heavy attack helicopter of the Cartel. The SuperHind is armed with a twin 20mm autocannon and Ingwe anti-tank missiles, making it efficient against enemy infantry and vehicles. The SuperHind is also able to transport up to 8 infantry units. It is incredibly tanky with the highest hit points of any Helicopter unit in the game.

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IPB Image1200 IPB Image750
Hit points: 40
Armaments: Twin 20mm autocannon, Ingwe anti-tank missiles
Produced by: Vehicles Bay

IPB Image Napalm Bombs
IPB Image Countermeasures Dispenser
IPB Image Computerized flying procedure


This is a light unmanned bomber drone armed with cluster bombs. Efficient against ground units with the ability to detect ground stealth units.

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IPB Image1250
Hit points: 10
Armaments: Cluster bombs
Produced by: Air Control Center

IPB Image AARGM stealth missiles


An anti air fighter jet, effective against enemy aircraft, especially large clumps of helicopters. It is equipped with advanced counter measures distracting most enemy attacks.

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IPB Image1750
Hit points: 20
Armaments: K-74 infrared missiles
Produced by: Air Control Center

IPB Image R-74M missiles
IPB Image Computerized flying procedure


The Valkyrie is the Cartel's most powerful aircraft, a supersonic bomber armed with napalm bombs, it's very efficient against infantry and buildings as the napalm with deal damage over time on targets hit if they stay in the flames. It is however incredibly expensive so make sure you use them carefully.

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IPB Image4000 IPB Image400
Hit points: tbc
Armaments: Napalm Bomb
Produced by: Air Control Center

IPB Image Pye Wacket missiles
IPB Image Countermeasures Dispenser CT