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Act of Aggression

2v2 with a random turns out to be an epic game!

#1Cruelty  May 18 2015, 11:27 AM -
Replays: 27 Game:
Hey guys, Cruelty here with another amazing replay! This time on Fourth point of contact. I take a focus on the banks while my partners enters a stalemate in the north. With some help from we manage to break through with a great combination of air and ground forces!
#2-Netput  May 25 2015, 13:35 PM -
Did not really like this game. Huuuge Simcity in early game. No harassment at all. During mid game there are some fights, mainly against mg nests though. When tanks/air finally comes into play, one of the guys surrenders.

No wub from me.
#3Cruelty  May 25 2015, 15:27 PM -
Replays: 27 Game:
Have I uploaded the right replay? this doesnt sound like the replay I intended to upload XD
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