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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] [Rating] 2v2v2 CW :O lol

#41Thrandy  Jul 6 2007, 20:08 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
Review by: Thrandy

Starting positions:
Team 2: (Gondor) Agent^CBA|tbh` / (Mordor) Agent^G3rr4rD - South
Team 3: (Isengard) |VoS|Luan / (Isengard) |VoS|Flux` - Northwest
Team 4: (Isengard) ]MSH[Wolverine / (Rohan) ]MSH[SpiderMan - Northeast


Extremely intense match here, the interesting MU puts the action all over the map. It's hard to describe exactly what happened, but basically Team ]MSH[ rushes one of Team |VoS|'s camps and kills him early on. Luan is forced to play on his own the whole game and does a fantastic job of controlling a whole half of the map and still having some impressive micro. Eventually, Luan is teamed up on and he loses his last outposts, leaving the rest of the fight between ]MSH[ and Agent^. With most of the map controlled after defeating |VoS|, ]MSH[ continues attacking Gerrard's Mordor and Maia's Gondor until both had a few dispirited battalions left and gets the win here.

Team 2 Commentary:

Had some nice teamwork and army coordination overall, did a nice job of covering both your own camps /outposts and attacking the enemy camps. Gerrard's Nazgul micro could've been a bit better, but other than that had very few mistakes.

Team 3 Commentary:

Good job rushing the Gondor camp, in my opinion you should've followed it up with some berserks at least to try and finish him off but it might've been risky with Team 4 coming to Miho's camp. Nothing really to comment on other than that, Miho just got unlucky by getting rushed so unexpectedly, but Luan played nearly flawlessly the whole game by having to cover such a large area of the map on his own. Was a good call by waiting on using Rain, your army was good enough already to fight against Rohan's heroes and Mordor's Ld but timed it well when you really needed it. Balrog micro was a bit questionable and could've been a lot better but other than that good game.

Team 4 Commentary:

Both of you did a nice job of working together the whole game and sharing Ld /map control. Maybe lost your heroes a bit too unnecessarily during the major battles but you played your cards correctly in late game and attacked aggressively to take advantage of Team 2's lack of units and get the win.

Overall Rating: 6

#42PayBack  Jul 6 2007, 20:56 PM -
thnx for the review thrandy , most appreciated
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