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Battle for Middle Earth

Mergin is a pro!

#1Th0rin`  Jan 14 2022, 11:46 AM -
Replays: 18 Game:
Played first game with mergin after a while and have to say, wow this is what you call a pro!
Watch for yourself, it's a short game, and it almost looks like a lesson...
#2ValsaDoom  Jan 15 2022, 00:27 AM -

Replays: 51 Game:
There is no doubt julian is a good player or better, so MERG1N can't complain about his team-mate capability, but MERG1N is no noob it's just so happened that he met his master in this replay.

I suggest we keep this short game as academic purpose, I learned much in brief moment.

Thx for sharing
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