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Battle for Middle Earth

nice 4 FOD with 4 balrogs

#1Corazon761  Jun 29 2020, 19:27 PM -
Replays: 20 Game:
IM vs II, nice and close ending game i would say, and again balrog showed his ability on taking out entire FOD base and actually win the game! with a little help from nazs.
dbl isen took middle and spammed balistas, like i spammed catas and once 3 isens gets their rain the leadership will be missed all the time, it will be a matter on who get his rog first and finish the game.
anon me and heyna got our rogs almost at same time, oftenly it would be like roging eachothers armies everytime and us keep rushing middle uselessly and that will just slow our death cus dbl isen will out spam us, and i was going to do so but i took the risk and rog the one who hasn't had middle and finished him.
tho if he had got his rog abit earlier it might have been a lose for us, my base was half dead.
gg wp by all players.
This post has been edited by Corazon761: Jun 30 2020, 02:54 AM
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