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Battle for Middle Earth

2v2 CW - Isen Gondor vs Mordor Isen

#1Unikorn  Sep 25 2012, 09:53 AM -
Replays: 63 Game:
After losing like 7 games (and throwing half of them) vs. alan and chyna, we finally got a decent performance. Me (Isen) and Stiwie (Gondor) vs. chyna (Isen) and Alan (Mordor). They got a pretty good start but we were able to cripple chyna with an early horse rush. Alan got trolls out fast though, so it was by no means easy for us. It goes way into the late game, with relentless pressure from us on both their bases. They defended quite well, but abusing the immobility of the Isen Mordor army is key to winning this matchup despite their leadership advantage. Enjoy!
#2Veermarck  Jan 8 2013, 10:47 AM -
Replays: 37 Game:
Brilliant performance from Isen and Gondor. Great watch.
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