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Battle for Middle Earth

Gondor-mirror vs Bufflaxed

#1HungryTroll  May 31 2022, 11:21 AM -
Buffa - is One of the most legendary and famous bfme players. He is legend like J2C2KL or Chyna.
There is nothing more to say here.
Usually gondor-mirrors don't play in ffg games, but since this is a QM game, then even the gondor-mirror is played if it fell out.
The game is interesting because it was played on a map added in patch 1.06 - Carnen.
This is a very good and most importantly - a balanced card, it is mirrored from all sides.
In the game you can see how to win a good Gondor on this map.
#2gahvin  May 31 2022, 16:38 PM -
Replays: 29 Game:
This is Buffalxed, not Buttafly
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