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Battle for Middle Earth

enjoyable RII vs GRI

#1Corazon761  Jul 18 2021, 03:57 AM -
Replays: 20 Game:
was fun to play this one after 4-5 hours of non stop 3v3s XD
#2HGRD  Jul 18 2021, 04:31 AM -
Replays: 4
your god mode was on all day!
#3witch_king988  Jul 18 2021, 15:36 PM -
Replays: 37
well done cora, hope u play more often, miss games with u Salute mi corazon
#4ValsaDoom  Jul 21 2021, 00:22 AM -

Replays: 51 Game:
Woow! It's been a long time since I visit Nurn, maybe my favorite 3v3 map, brings back old souvenirs. MARJE was mvp in this game imo, he started exactly like I would, with archers and get fast second camp, except I usually get screwed by VAPORIZER who would rush my base with berserkers, anyways you guys did good facing decent players and win this game with glory. Thx for sharing this replay.
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