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Battle for Middle Earth

Bluenu(ISE) vs Victoire(ROH)

#11chappY  Jun 14 2005, 09:06 AM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Great game both of you.

LMAO @ pinned Aragorn vs bomb! wink.gif

Oh and one correction: It's not BaLL's new BO, its StRiDaH's, and it's made especially for Fords of Isen, or small to medium 1v1 maps. It has slightly less use on larger 1v1 maps, but again, it all depends on the Rohan you're playing. I taught BaLL it a few days ago, after he played Vict he wanted a better way to stop peasants, because your use of peasants is superb vict, great job.

I agree that you're extra ent was a mistake. You really could have used some horse archers to scare away some pikeman sine they weren't armored, because even if you were able to entmoot again, you didn't really have the manpower to take over a mill long enough to build one thanks to FB pikes.

Blue, gj bro, bit sloppy with the pike micro, but it was all made right with the aragorn vs bomb moment, rep wouldn't have been the same w/o it. wink.gif

Well played you two.


P.S. - I won't take all the credit for the BO, it was a joint effort between myself and Desolair.
#12|elder|Kiltec  Jun 14 2005, 09:32 AM -
Allow me to disagree to the perma-ent-issue.

From my point of view, that wasn't really a mistake. However, he should've stood at the ent-moot to kill the pikes destroying it.
The moot would've kept intact and you could've bought ents from it.
Even without the ents guarding the moot, if you had sold it before it got destroyed, you would've got 1000, and that would've been enough to get the ent-moot. But you just couldn't get a settlement.
Like Stridah said, 1 HA could've been useful.

But I'm not sure whether more ents really would have been a winning-option because I think, your rohirrims who would've had to protect the ents were weakened a lot, so I'm not sure if another ent-siege would've dealt much damage. He already had 3 x-bows /w fire. Which came out of the pit which survived the first siege.

Whatever, we'll never know what would've happened, both of you played well and it was entertaining! thumb.gif

@thad]ratdog: Thx! smile.gif

@[wise] major: Thx and yes, I know. But I think it's ok, it's only a few words and Rohan's color is green. So I think, I'll stick to it. Maybe... wink.gif
#13Lexa Feanaro  Jun 15 2005, 05:49 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Bombing Aragorn as a last dainty! Oh my god, this was so awesome!
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