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Battle for Middle Earth

[Finals] 2V2 Major Stage LK vs SE G4

#1LATINO  Nov 26 2018, 17:14 PM -

Being down 1-2, we had to bounce back.

Was difficult once they picked mid but we teamworked and pulled out the victory.

Worth to watch !
#2suturbs  Dec 20 2018, 23:42 PM -
Replays: 189 Game:

-Usually GI should win this after getting mid very safely... However, I guess the off-host should do with GI team's battle defects.
-Along with a bit "safety" of GI battlings hence "taking it easier". (Too much recoils sometimes, or not enough pike "usage"s.)
-Considering also, the Latino's host-Trebbing, and Valium's RA-Treb-protection...

Rohan & Gondor
-The idea of Gondor trebusched spam before Gandi was not only good, but also needed.
-Rohan giving a farm to Gondor, for him to be able to spam trebs properly along with Buy gandalf.
-It is not always easy to find such a "determined Treb spammer", and "a rohan charger". and in anorien... (PPL so often take it easy and make gandi if cant more horses, instead of ... Trebs....)

Gondor & Isen
-Very nice Isen *macro*, plan was great, battles could be greater.
-Gondor did nice, but aagain battles to get trebs could be greater.
-GI should have been doing better against trebs, with or without lags. A litle bit practice on specific stage against trebs, could help, or a Isen onhost...
-Could Gondor make earlier Treb spam as well? and win? Possible!! They didn't "think of" or "try to be" that cruel? maybe...

Congratulations both teams...

Note: I no more give performance points to the players.
Because comparing the performances is often relative. Not only this, It also goes to "comparing mere people". I feel this in the air... I see it in the moves... I see it in the expressions... Henceforth, a litle bit humankind-hood killer..!

Humans shouldn't innerly or outerly keep uttering "any superirity" or "lowness of others", in skills, looks, funds of physical or abstract; or whatsoever... The Human-kind is distincted from Animal-Kind merely by the language & the distinguishing skill, rather than similituding & feeling...

What people should talk & think around is "how we will gonna build a better civilization or branches of it"? With truth, and justice... embracing evey human being... Through also playing a Game (BFME I guess) and expecting to have fun by.. not only victories in the game, but also defeats in the game.. I guess enough here.. If you wanna more, It is open for discussion & iteration.. In the mess hall..
This post has been edited by suturbs: Dec 21 2018, 00:32 AM
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