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Battle for Middle Earth

Gondor vs Rohan Old School

#1korund  Sep 23 2018, 12:22 PM -
gtw 10 rank !
#2korund  Sep 23 2018, 16:54 PM -
Sebastian,help: what to do with the army of the dead? shove in the ass?
#3suturbs  Oct 2 2018, 03:04 AM -
Replays: 189 Game:
Hello everybody, to another Replay Review..


Rohan plays ent, and continues even vs gandalf's presence, on and on

While Gondor was exhausted by the action, lost first horses, didnt have opportunity/money to rebuild the base


Continuous Ents, Rohirrims, Aragorn, killing Gondor base slowly... Eventaully Gandalf ranks to 10 but with a destroyed Gondor base.. Eagles not helping too much... Not reaching to AOD either.. But how close? Watch and see dear friends!


This is a classic "Good Game" before 2010, as far as I know: Gondor can't micro/map control with Knights due to the degree of harrasment. Good work Mergin's Rohan.


Hydro 8.0
Mergin 8.9
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