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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] [ELITE]FoRr3aL^ vs [SE]Chef1

#1soko  Feb 3 2006, 01:32 AM -
Replays: 28 Game:
Many mistakes of mordor, but he pownd Gondor pretty well but Chef1 played well to, a gg.
No one goes away for [ELITE]biggrin.gif
This post has been edited by Mortal9: Feb 5 2006, 15:58 PM
#2soko  Feb 3 2006, 02:55 AM -
Replays: 28 Game:
No 1 tell some coments so i do it by my self lol. yea gg and more hehehe.
#3koner  Feb 3 2006, 07:49 AM -
ill take a look
#4Mortal9  Feb 5 2006, 15:58 PM -
I'll review.
#5Mortal9  Feb 5 2006, 16:40 PM -
Mortal9 Review.

Gondor vs. Mordor on the Fords of Isen.

Gondor ( [SE]Chef1333 ):

Starting BO: Two Inner Farms + Pippin ==> Three outer farms ==> Stables.
Strategy: Two Horses ==> Gandalf
PP: Heal ==> Elves ==> GtW ==> Eagles

sad.gif Terrible soldier micro, You basically walked through orc battalions following them without slashing. This RUINED your eco.
cry.gif Only one warg farm, you'll need more. Use one soldier to grab both normals, one soldier to grab the middle, and send pippin north, Pippin can go harass after that.
0wn3d.gif No HS - Rush. Without it Gondor gets creamed.
mellow.gif Got Elves while getting GtG, could've prevented outposts with faster White.

Comments: If it had been slightly worse I would've said you got owned. You were able to stay alive with some good Gandy stuff though, but basically my cons should give you an idea on how to beat mordor.

Micro: 5/10
Strategy: 3/10
Total: 4/10

Mordor ( [ELITE]FoRr3aL^ ) :

Starting BO: Pit + Gollum + Two Mills ==> Extra Pit
Strategy: 2 Trolls ==> Naz ==> Mumaks.
PP: EoS ==> TL ==> Industry ==> Darkness.

pirate.gif Overall good orc usage.
eyebrow.gif You can rush a farm with two orcs and eye, the first made can go North to defend the top mill in case Pip comes.
cry.gif First of all a Naz was obsolete, more trolls could've finished Gondor WAY sooner. After that, in case of getting the creeps, it became even more obsolete.
laugh.gif More pits before mumaks for faster darkness possibly could've finished the game earlier. POSSIBLY

Comments: Overall well played, just went wrong getting a Nazgul.

Micro: 6/10
Strat: 4/10
Overall: 5/10

Game Comments: One Sided game, Gondor held out for a while but got destroyed in due time, mainly cause of a terrible start.

Game Rating: 4/10
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