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Battle for Middle Earth

one of the best team-player

#1HungryTroll  May 21 2022, 19:43 PM -
Player, which didn't take land against 2bl isen
who makes a lurtz instead of a pit and chokes on orcs
in another game, this next top1 made 2 uruk pits... when the trolls and the drum came to us, he had 1 combo without upgrades and didn’t even have a pikes

there, is game IG vs MR
Felix R and Randall M vs Nazarova G and Dexter I
especially for noobs:

#2HungryTroll  May 21 2022, 20:07 PM -
Come myth and read it2:
Its a guide for you how to play gondor vs isengard. No Heal vs wc uruks! U need land vs 2bl isengard!
IPB Image
Powerpoint Route:
LAND ON MILLS (no heal!) then elves/heal. etc.

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And please no feed soldiers with blade and armor vs saruman and Lurtz!
IPB Image

you are not one of the best 2on2 players, you are worse than timur
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