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Battle for Middle Earth

Get over here! Flawless Victory!

#1Radamant  Dec 12 2022, 15:29 PM -
Replays: 3
Am0nR4(Rohan) vs Nemez(Mordor). Most players have learned how to counter Mordor on this map, but this replay shows how Aragorn ---» Legolas----»Eowin strat can be beaten.
#2Am0nR2  Dec 12 2022, 15:42 PM -
Replays: 47 Game:
This replay also shows how you can log out of gameranger directly, without even waiting for rematch and without even typing a gg in the game, after defeating a rusty player on your host who hasn't played for 5 years.

Yes, you can say that you have been active for the last 1 month, if we consider throwing 2-3 games every 2-3 days as being active.
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