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Battle for Middle Earth

The Balrog, 3v3 Lebi 106

#1MythvMight  Aug 13 2021, 18:04 PM -
Replays: 377 Game:

The Balrog they call me, so it is done

#2ValsaDoom  Aug 20 2021, 00:16 AM -

Replays: 51 Game:
Top team:
Maximus playing Gondor
Morl playing Isengard
Ganar playing Isengard


Bottom team:
Myth playing Isengard
Nefertiti playing Isengard
Sai_Laurels playing Gondor

Right from the start the bottom team pushed forward forcing the top team to play defensively, Morl had to help both mates most of the game, in addition of lack of heal usage from Maximus, you don't have to wait for Faramir to get weak before healing the surrounding Isen combos, this kind of thinking got better after the first half of the game, unfortunately the enemy had the opportunity of growing stronger by that time.

Many mistakes from both sides, also I tough Saruman could use worm-tongue spell even when pinned down, I did not see Ganar try....

Nefertiti played very well, but if I had to choose I'd say Morl was mvp.

Congratulations to Myth, Nefertiti and Sai_Laurels for their vitory.
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