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Battle for Middle Earth

Gondor vs Isengard Medium level and miss-micro

#1YodA`  Oct 12 2017, 10:21 AM -
Hello I would love to know your thoughts about that could I have done better at this game.
You know some tips. Thanks
#2Fishy  Oct 12 2017, 22:55 PM -
I ll just watch the Replay and write down what comes to my mind.

- Dude you need to go forward with solds vs FoD unless you are so skilled you have have some awesome strategy that you tried many times. Because you want to kill one mill of Mordor or at least kill as much orcs as you can so you slow Mordor down until your horses come. Check strategy section or replays from known players to get an idea.

- Skip well and blacksmith and do 2nd horses before that. You need well when you expect to have wounded horses but unless he has harads on the map you will deal only with orcs and creeps which you can clean up quite harmlessly.
Proper build would be - BS, farm, farm, stables, 1st horses, 2nd horses, well/BS (you can even skip well until 3rd horse if you are confident enough with your horse micro), 3rd horse and fill base with BS.

- 1st trample orcs then heal.

- lvl 2 horses can deal with 2 wargs and you will save yourself a trip back to base. Kill them and go for his mills

- you dont need to take land to cover mordor land until maybe late game big fights. There is almost no use for land. Either you outclass mordor soft units so much you can fight them even on their land or the mordor units are too strong you cant fight them anywhere. Save PP for elves or GtW

- Also I vote against Rohirrim summon. IT was situational there yes but imho elves prove to be more usefull in this MU. Getting cage down is good but if he has drummer out already its not such a big deal for Mordor.

- Armor on archers? I think its a waste of resources...get banners without them a Naz can swoop in, screech and you are fked.

To be continued...
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