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Battle for Middle Earth 2 News


Amazon LOTR TV Series Announces Writers

Thursday, 2 Aug 2018
It had been announced recently that the upcoming Lord of the Rings TV series by Amazon Studios has finally managed to decide upon its writing team. JD Payne and Patrick McKay, who also happen to be the writers of the upcoming Star Trek 4 film, have been chosen to be the showrunners for the LOTR...

AMD Update Breaks C&C and BFME Games

Tuesday, 2 Jan 2018
Prior to the end of 2017, the folks over at AMD had released a new driver package for the Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition numbered version 17.12.1. Now most of the time, updates are meant to provide fixes for bugs as well as improvements for performance. However, this update seemingly has also...

LOTR Amazon TV Series

Monday, 13 Nov 2017
Amazon Studios has just announced a deal with the Tolkien Estate and Trust, along with book publisher HarperCollins and New Line Cinema, to secure the TV rights to The Lord of the Rings franchise.According to Deadline, the deal is rumoured to be as close to US $250 million and Amazon is set to...

GameReplays.Org is Recruiting Writers!

Tuesday, 7 Nov 2017
Have you ever had the urge to give your thoughts on gaming developments? Perhaps you have a flair for language and want to express yourself to our community? Maybe you would like to build your name as a bona fide games or tech reviewer? Well then, you are in luck because GameReplays.Org is...

Gamereplays Discord Server Launched! Join the chat!

Thursday, 13 Apr 2017
Hello fellow gamers! Gamereplays have opened our own Discord server, with a channel for each of our active games and more. Discord is a text and voice chat service designed specifically for gamers and gaming. It comes with Steam and Twitch integration and plenty of fun features to keep...

Happy Holidays from GameReplays.org!

Saturday, 24 Dec 2016
Seasons Greetings! All the members of the GameReplays.org staff team would like to wish you a safe and very happy, healthy Christmas and New Year!We hope this year has been a good one for you, and we hope you have many alcohol-fuelled celebrations during this festive season and of course, to...

BFME2: HD Edition Released

Sunday, 4 Dec 2016
The long-awaited BFME2: HD Edition mod has finally been released! For those who don't know, this is a graphics mod for Battle for Middle-earth II which changes the models and textures in the game to either higher-resolution variations of their originals by EALA, or altered versions based on the...

Gamereplays is looking for Artists!

Wednesday, 28 Sep 2016
Good Day! Here at Gamereplays.org we're looking for new Artists to join our game teams! When your a staff member at any level, you'll get some nice extra perks. These include a larger inbox and access to the staff areas of Gamereplays.org. However Artists get some extra perks, which are basic...

July 2016: Clanwars Results

Friday, 5 Aug 2016
Coming off of a very active June, July didn't relent. This month started well and has had constant activity throughout. At the start of the month three clans came to the fore. Eol, 4J and JBEE were constantly interchanging positions. The later part of the month brought a loss of activity to JBEE...

New Community Facebook Page!

Saturday, 7 May 2016
We are happy to announce that in cooperation with Revora.net, we have launched a new community Facebook page for the entire BFME series! If you are interested in keeping up with the latest content, news, events, patches, and more, be sure to give us a "like" below! Like us on Facebook!