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Goblins Strategy Archive

By KingSpillBlood - 1st December 2008 - 02:22 AM

I see you have made it out of the Tunnels. However, things are not doing very well for the Goblins, and we need someone to take control of our legions. We've complied these comprehensive guides to help you lead the armies of the Goblins and crush all who stand in your way.

Continue the discussion at the Goblin strategy forums!


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Goblins 1.06 to BTP Guide
Intended to rely on fast and unpredictable harassment early game and then transition into massive armies and powerful monsters, the Goblin faction on 1.06 was handicapped by a power point bug in Goblin Warriors, weak Goblin Archers, and sub-par pikemen...
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Master Guides

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Goblins vs. Mordor
Both spam factions, often times Macro is the most important thing in this Matchup. However, there are many other factors included in winning this game. Also...
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Goblins vs. Men of the West
Often times Goblins can feel overwhelmed in this matchup due to the almighty Soldier spam. However, there are several tricks a goblins can execute to win, such as...
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Goblins vs. Dwarves
Dwarves, the small but strong foes, can be defeated by your crafty Goblins. Goblins have advantages over...
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General Guides

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Goblin Build Orders: The Beginning
Starting off with an overview of all the basic build orders that our Goblin strategy specialist, Nuclear, uses for each match-up, this series will then delve in-depth into how to...
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Goblins vs. Elves Build Order Guide
Freedom has produced a unique strategy for the Goblins vs. Elves match-up. See the benefits and costs of this build-order that allows you to produce the tough and...
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Goblins vs. Dwarves Build Order Guide
Nuclear Crispy has made a very promising build order guide for Goblins vs. Dwarves. Use his strategy, and adapt to the game by using his situational analysis provided below...
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Goblins' Fortress Guide
When playing with Goblins, few people give much thought to base defense, as Goblins are a unit-based, offensive-style faction, and do not boast tough structures such as Dwarves or Men have....
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