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Isengard Strategy Archives

By KingSpillBlood - 1st December 2008 - 02:21 AM

If you are looking for Hobbits then you are out of luck. However, this archive will contain helpful information on controlling the hordes of Isengard and leading your forces to victory!

Continue the discussion at the Isengard Strategy forums!

Basic Guides

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Isengard Starter Guide
Understanding Isengard will be a breeze with this guide. Early, middle, and late-game are made simple, as are the Isengard Units, buildings, and the situations they will likely find themselves in!
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Isengard 1.06 to BT2DC
Fast, elite, and aggressive, Isengard is one of the most intimidating factions in the game. Buffs to Uruks, Crossbows, and Berserkers make Isengard's ground forces some of the most dominant offensive in the game...
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Master Guides

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Isengard vs Isengard
There is a lot of luck involved in Isengard mirrors. Berserkers' splash damage, devastation, and a number of other factors can make the game unpredictable.
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Isengard vs Men of the West
This very versatile guide supports both styles of Isengard players, those passive and aggressive.
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Isengard vs Dwarves
Isengard versus Dwarves is considered to be one of the easier match ups in Battle For Middle Earth II. Isengard's excellent sight powers...
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Isengard vs Elves
Isengard versus Elves is a fairly balanced match up, but Isengard has the advantage when they have host. Elves is an archer-based faction. Because of this...
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Isengard vs Mordor
Mordor is the second hardest match up for Isengard on 2.4. Mordor's spam can be very hard to contain as an Isengard player...
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Isengard vs. Goblins Guide
Isengard against Goblins is the most difficult match up for Isengard. Isengard's main strengths are in having the ability to get a strong economy quickly and to build fast, strong units...
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General Guides

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Isengard Upgrade Guide
This guide will point out the advantages of the Isengard upgrade system which can apply to the Isengard units, when upgrades should be purchased...
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Berserker Guide
Berserkers deal extreme amounts of damage and are almost as fast as cavalry. This makes them excellent for hero-killing and harassment...
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Isengard Hero Guide
Learning about the various Isengard heroes can greatly improve your gameplay. Learn how to use them and when to get them with this guide...
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Isengard Siege Works
Siege units are arguably the most underused units in the game, and Isengard has some of the best siege units of all the factions...
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