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Battle For Middle Earth II Patch 1.09 Is Now Live

By Val` - 9th March 2017 - 15:23 PM

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Hi All, Patch 1.09 is finally here for download. It's been a long, long road, and I would first like to thank everyone who invested time into this monster sized patch. Almost 3 years of work, thousands of hours of work on both balance, cosmetics, and sounds, this is truly the biggest ever patch published in the BFME Franchise. I would like to extend thanks to Echelon for being my right hand man, and Rider of Rohan for helping a lot with art, and work on the switcher. Thanks to all in the beta team for their input and fine tuning of balance, notable mentions are included in the patch credits. Also a big thanks to Paramatha for coding the switcher for us. I have included some preview content below, the best way to preview though of course is to play the patch! There are hundreds of new Special FX, hundreds of new sounds, and new models. We also refined maps a lot and deleted the Tower Wars ones as they are mostly balanced for 1.06. We have a good map pool of quality over quantity which was not the case in 1.08. You can also checkout Val's youtube channel for many preview videos of patch content.

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New Patch Switcher

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11 Years Of Competitive Balancing

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BFMEII Patch 1.09 is the biggest patch ever developed in the BFME Franchise, it is larger than all prior patches combined, including the official patches that GR developed for EA(1.05/6) and Battletest Patches. 1.09 is 3 years worth of beta testing, it fine tunes all uneven matchups from 1.08 and so much more. We hope that our work here makes for a fair, enjoyable experience for both casuals and competitive players alike.

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New Maps & Reskin's

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The 1.09 map pool is smaller than 1.08, but better quality maps, that also includes reskins of the most popular maps like Udun II and Fords of Isen II, previewed below.

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New Special Effect's

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Patch 1.09 comes with hundreds of new visual special effects, almost every power in the game has had an improvement, here are a few of them.

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New Builder's & Models

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All builder's now have a new, unique model so that faction differentiation is easily identifiable. There are also many other new model's included, mostly for High and Ultra setting's.

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Random and Upgrade Textures

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Many of our favorite models now also come with appearance variations, such as Eagle's, Mountain Giant's, Drakes, Knights, Dragons and more. Certain units like Mumakil also get new textures as they progressively gain rank.

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New Sound's

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Patch 1.09 includes over two hundred new sounds, every building has new variations as well as new unit sounds for deeper game immersement.

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New Wall System

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Mordor can now build walls and the radius that you can build from fortress has been increased. Also, purchasing Fortress Armor now correctly upgrades all wall's that the player owns.

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Visual's for Leadership and Buff's

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Ever get frustrated that spells like Farsight and Palantir show no visible horde FX? Not anymore! Patch 1.09 also introduces all new buff-nugget FX for existing spells such as heal, devastation, poison, and more.

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The changelog for Patch 1.09 is included in the installation, but for quick reference I have also attached it. You can discuss this and get the attachment below

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