Mae govanen friends,
Some of you already knew it but recently we officially started the BFME II matchmaking league!!! Some of you would ask what is it?
The Battle for the Middle-Earth II league is a 1v1 quickmatch system for patch 1.09v2. It has been developed in such a way to promote competitive via discord. It only requires a one-time registration, to be in the BFME Online community discord and of course to have Gameranger and bfme2 on patch 1.09v2.
As mentioned above, it is a quickmatch or matchmaking system so to work to its full capacity we must feed him with players of all kind of level and also with people playing games. The system automatically finds an opponent for you on a chosen map as displayed below:
Also, some of you here would say:
-hey, sorry but I'm not good enough for this;
-hey, people are to unexperienced this kind of league don't interest me.
Well, you are both wrong and you both have no more excuses. The system will always search for an opponent around your skill level. That means during and after your placement games (which can be set to 5 or 10) you will always end up against a player around your skill level. The more game you play, the more accurate it will be for the system to match you with someone of your skill. Notice as all matchmaking system it has some flow such as NOT ENOUGH PLAYER QUEUEING but this is for all game and only up to everyone to make the league alive etc and this statement stand for other future systems (yes we will have other game modes).
How to enter the league and play:First, you need to join the BFME online discord community that you can find here:, you need to go to the
#bfme-league channel and register like this:
Once registered you can join the queue by typing
$queue 1v1You will be added to the queue and that's it the system will notify you of your matches. after that you can play your match versus your opponent. Remember this is a quickmatch as it was back in the day on EA servers.
You fight for one game only on a random map from the 1.09v2 maps pack, none of you has to be spotted and the rules are the regular one for compétitive. The only flexibility is the possibility to play your game on a neutral host but a random host between the 2 players is chosen.
How to report:Reporting your match is quite easy and always work like this:
$report WinnerLeagueName LoserLeagueName 1 0After you typed this the system will ask for BOTH player to confirm the score within 30sec.
and that's it you did your first match in the league
Ranking & Point system:a leaderboard command is available to check the ranking as displayed above. Also, player statistics can be checked and in future we can add more interesting statistics such as win rate on a specific map, win rate with faction etc for the moment this is how it looks.
Now to finish I would like to convince you all on why this system is more superior to what we actually have.
First compared to Clanwars we will no longer deal with the poor Elo system in place and abuse of playing the last day etc. The league is FULLY modulable and adaptable.
Secondly, we can bring idea such as season into the league. For example, after 1-2-3 month we move on to a new season in the league with a new maps pool. 10 maps playable on season 1, 10 differents maps on season 2 etc.
Third, no more arbitrary Skill Tier roles on the server, your skill tiers will match your real skill in-game(i see you coming, are you saying you unable to defeat anyone on any map?)
Forth and I will stop here to not spoils what is to come we can have such things as best players per Skill Rank or best Dwarves player? or Mordor player etc. The league do not reset we can integrate badges etc so much possibility.
I hope you guys will enjoy this and appreciate the work, maybe if you appreciate it enough other stuff might come out right temptito?