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Battle for Middle Earth 2

Guerrilla on action #3: *Ugly ugly Mordor vs Men*

#1SeñorEcthelion  Jun 9 2021, 21:10 PM -

Replays: 526 Game:
This is a good looking Mordor vs Gondor with a elegant ending for the viewers. There are Aragorns, Gandalfs, MoS Dissents, WitchKings, trolls & fires from the sky.

This is the second replay guerrilla sends me, pretending to show me that patch is ridiculous because players can comeback after a bad start. Apparently a "ugly" game from Guerrilla is actually a nice replay.

There is one important comeback since the early game and a serie of small ones, generated due a permanent misinterpretations by the Men player about his actual advantage on the game.
#2Sp@RTaCuSs  Jun 11 2021, 19:22 PM -
Replays: 7
nice advanced game we watch the desperation of both players as they can't wash each other down
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