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Battle for Middle Earth 2

Healthy game --- (Un)sneaky furtives Dwarves.

#1Atrimotion  Dec 18 2017, 20:28 PM -
Replays: 9
D3ATH^G0D (Men) against Orgueil' (Dwarves)
Here is a game. Not the most epic or the most gripping one, but it shows an uncomon strategy (even if everyone knows it), which is underused in my opinion.
Very effective strategy when your opponent is kind of delocalised mostly in order to take off your mineshafts far from the center ( which is his base in this case).
It's sad that dwarven hereos has so much short life expectancy...
I believe that the game could be different with rohirims and more agressivity, even near the dwarf's base.
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