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Battle for Middle Earth 2

Epic showdown 3v3 NG vs Gnomes #1

#1Feanor  Jan 25 2021, 21:08 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
On the barren landscape of Udun, a rabble of Isengard and Elves have joined forces to drive out an unlikely coalition of Dwarves, Elves and Goblins.

Tunnels and mine swarm the hot landscape of Udun whilst Wargriders try to keep them down whilst their allying Rivendel Lancers are killing their kin on the other side of the hill.

A sudden sneak attack of trolls whilst a Mine was forgotten on the other side of the map. Does hope remain?
#2Maru  Jan 26 2021, 10:56 AM -
My base getting 2 summons and some trolls did almost make me have a heart attack. Was casually playing, thinking the game was in the bag.
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